Bhumireddy sasidhar reddy  3 semister

roll number 20


1) Pulnonology Q1

Link to the case:-

                      Insights: I find that all the symptomatology is well explained clearly. This helps in identification of particular problem. Etiology and anatomical location of the problem is well identified and mentioned.


2) Neurology Q 2A

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                      Insights: Seizure episodes is well mentioned which can explain the remaining symptoms. Correlation of various aspects is seen.

3) Case 1 Q2

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                     Insights: Various pharmacological actions over the placebo is explained. Importance of nebulization in pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions is well described.

4) Case 1 Q1

Link to the case:-

                     Insights: The etiology paved for the disease caused which is well explained  and also regarding how the allergen caused the disease.

5) Case1 Q5

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                     Insights: Causes of the electrolyte imbalance can be due to COPD, hypercapnic acidosis. How this can cause increase water and sodium retention is seen. 

6) Case C  Q1

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                    Insights: This is a case involving variety of neurological symptoms. They are clearly explained regarding quadriplegia, bilateral pedal edema.

7) Case 3A  Q1

Link to the case:-

                    Insights: Each and every differences is well explained along with contraindicative points.

8) Case D  Q3

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                   Insights: Every indication and contraindication are well mentioned including reasoning regarding ST elevation.

9) Case 8  Q3

Link to the case:-

                   Insights: The reasons for the sudden rise in the mucormycosis incidence is explained. It can be triggered by steroids.

10) Case4 B  Q1

Link to the case:-

                  Insights: The reason for the dyspnea and its relation to pancreatitis are valid. Reasons are good enough to prove the clinical symptoms.


i still dint get a chance if i get it , i will upload it here


Link to the case:-

A 70 year old female presented to casuality with complaints of Distension of abdomen and shortness of breath Grade-3 since 5days.

 The data that is captured is sufficient and good enough to diagnose the patient. The patient has been asymptomatic for 5 days but the distention is generalized. The ECG showed atrial fibrilation and the 2D echo showed mild pericardial efflusion. Her biochemical report showing severe hyperthyroidism possibly relating to her refractory Atrial fibrillation and was attempted to defibrillate. she was on Thyronorm100mg OD for hypothyroidism. All the biochemical investigations came out to be normal.

Treatment plan:

Inj. Amiodarone 150 mgIV stat (2 doses)

Inj.Amiodarone infusion

 1mg/min till 6hr f/b 0.5 mg/min for next 18 hours

 Inj.clexane 40mg Sc OD 


 I HERE BHUMIREDDY SASIDHAR REDDY due to this pandemic were unable to appear directly and experience the patient but even though we had a very good experience which is not  had been possible without the general medicine department. RAKESH BISWAS sir ( HOD) made possible by teaching every single aspect regaurding capturing the patient centered data . we have learned how to take history and data from a patient so as to communicate and diagnose the problem .this paved us a way of learning new things in a different way. the e logs which has been kept for us are helpful and made me learning so many new things . once agaian thank you for this oppourtunity.


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